Friday, July 1, 2011

Who Is Professor Bal Krishna Pokharel

(Most of the south-Asian scholars are the disciples of the universities established as designed by late Thomas Babington Macaulay, the renounced British historian of his age.As a servant of the British India of his time he tried his best to occidentalize the oriental manner of thinking.Though educated under the universities of the occidental mode of reasoning,Professor Balkrishna Pokharel seeks his own oriental clue to strengthen the Eurasian tie.In this particular article with the help of the Bruges-potis he has claimed the Bimali-folks in Nepal as belonging to the Eurasian tie.The intention of Professor Pokharel in this article is to establish a mode of factual orientalism.He opposes the traditional orientalism.-Mr.Sai Munal Pokharel.)

1 comment:

  1. He was an excellent human being and a true scholar. Once he wanted to pursue his PhD and joined a researth methodology class that I ran. I requested him to discontinue this class as he was above anything else with due respect. He was a true personality and an instiution by himself. We became very good friends. He supervised many PhDs without a PhD degree of himself because of is very high scholarly caliber. It was a shame that TU did not even consider for awarding DLit to me. Anyway, he was more than any award and degrees.
    It was a shame that TU did not even consider for awarding DLit to me. Anyway, he was more than any award and degrees.
